Layout activator
This plugin can be used to manage layout properties: Visibility, Focus in the Navigation bar and Enabled / Disabled state. You can make your layout hidden or visible, disabled or enabled, focused or unfocused by passing a boolean flag to a corresponding plugin parameter. Show or hide your layout from the navigation bar dynamically if it becomes relevant or irrelevant to the context the user currently works with. Create a button in your layout to fast navigate to another layout on the navigation bar - this can be done by manipulating layout “focus” property. Control whether you want or not to start any plugins associated with your layout by utilizing Enable / Disable parameters of the current plugin and corresponding property of the layout. Check how it works in layout “Common tools”.
With this plugin you can:
- Hide layout from the Navigation bar;
- Make hidden layout visible in the Navigation bar;
- Activate or focus the Navigation bar on the selected layout;
- Return to previously focused layout (if to a default layout otherwise);
- Disable a layout meaning terminating any associated plugins with this layout;
- Enable a disabled layout meaning immediate start of all associated in case of Pinned layout or automatic start of plugins upon activation otherwise;
- Make layout visible, enabled and focused (active) in the Navigation bar in one tap;
- Make layout hidden, disabled and de-focused in the Navigation bar in one tap.